
Fairy tail Girl

Blonde with sparkling eyes,
Sweet, and young,
Most of all innocent.

That’s my fairytale girl.

Curious, scraped knees,
Sleepy eyes, honey spoon,
Most of all she’s innocent,

Their’s my fairytale girl.

Growing, tripping, tumbling
In a guilty whirl pool world,
Most of all loosing innocence,

Theirs no longer a fairytale for my fairytale girl.

Opened eyes, falling tears
Mistakes made, rash words spoken
But most of all, forgotten innocence,

Where’s my fairytale girl?

Sad memories, broken promises,
Mistakes; but here on bended knee,
Most of all she’s forgiven,

She’s no fairytale girl,
She’s a princess,
Daughter of a king.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:51 pm

    I ♥ this one, it's fantastic.

