
Half full or half empty ~ A Philosophy

Is the glass half full or half empty? If its half full you’re an optimist, if its half empty you’re a pessimist – so what dose that make me? I have my own philosophy, my maths teacher would probably be proud, because its logical thinking, but then maybe he’d just smile and shake his head. Anyhow, the way I see it, if you are in the act of filling up the glass its half full, if you’re in the act of emptying it, the glass is half empty! Its really quite simple.

So if I have this little philosophy, what dose that make me??

But there is a more important question here, what’s in the glass, because if it’s not anything great, for example if your talking about how many dishes left on the sink to dry up, maybe saying its half empty makes you optimistic! - Who knows!

So what’s your philosophy?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 pm

    The glass isn't half empty or half full, its overflowing!

