
A Perfect Stranger

A perfect stranger knows all your secrets, why because they don't know you, or any of your acquaintances, they cant let slip, and you don't have to be embarrassed every time you meet coz hey, you aren't going to see them again. With a perfect stranger you can just let spill. People don't necessarily do so, but well, it can happen so lets continue:

The perfect stranger would have these six qualities:
1. Under no circumstance should they re appear in your life unless its in the chick flick style this is the only acception to this rule.
2. They should totally care they don't necessarily show it but should (like the grumpy old man in a movie everyone knows is a softy)
3. They should have some life experience, or atleast a different perspective, a young person is a great new perspective.
4. This is really important, they need to be able to handle what there hearing.
5. They should just be the person you need when you feel your friends are too close.
6. And finally they should never have there own adjender!

So what do you recon, are you the perfect candidate to be someone's "Perfect Stranger"? Do you have one. Are you one?

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